New Class

First night back at my other evening class – scriptwriting. I’m not sure it’s my thing really, but I enjoyed it and have come home feeling happy and energised which seems A Good Thing.
A very different group from last term. The average age has increased substantially and there are some intimidatingly formidable members who reminded me how seldom I actually get to the cinema, and even when I do see films, how quickly I forget the details.
The two of us from last term sat next to each other for comfort and reassurance. As the tutor knew our names, we were called on a fair bit.In the hope of solidarity, I texted someone who was supposed to be coming back, but got no response.
At one point we had to work in threes discussing a film and thinking of how it worked. In our three, we spent most of the alloted time trying to find a film that we had all seen. After making our way through Slumdog Millionaire, James Bond films, The Pianist, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, and reaching no consensus, we were getting desperate.
When it came to feedback, others had American Beauty, Slumdog Millionaire, The Shawshank Redemption.
We had The Wizard of Oz.
The tutor seemed a bit surprised by our choice. At least it wasn’t Bambi.
I may have to join another of his classes which involves going to films and analysing them.

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