Diaries, 21st April 2024, Resolution

I could have written a post this afternoon. I didn’t. An idea seems to have crept upon me that writing is an extra, something to do when only when chores are complete. Quite why or how this has happened I do not know. I think I need to make a resolution for this week to write. That may be posts here, letters (not emails), maybe a short story or the beginnings of one in a notebook. A poem. Something, anyway.

I resolve.

6 thoughts on “Diaries, 21st April 2024, Resolution

  1. When I wrote blog posts regularly , I wrote as I drank my morning coffee.

    I simply wouldn’t know how/ when to start now. You still have it. Keep going x

    • Maybe you should return to drinking a morning coffee? I wrote every day in lockdown, then I went back out into the world… But I do enjoy it when I write, and with a blog post there is no one telling me what I should write about, or how long or short it should be. Once I start it just generally all spills out, good, bad, dull and indifferent.

  2. Somehow I know you will keep your resolve, Isobel. I need to resolve to write with paper and pencil every day. I think it could be called journaling. 🙂

    • Maybe short posts like this one might be the answer! I am leaving it so long between posts I have a lot to record, so it feels daunting, then I only record a fraction anyway. This is my diary. I don’t keep another. Good to hear from you Pat.

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