100WCGU: Romance and All that Jazz

The message from Julia:
Following last week’s topical slant and as it is a Leap year, this week the prompt is:

…Take a Leap of Faith….

Like last week, you don’t have to include those words in the piece. If you get to write it before midnight on Feb 29th, you may like to put a reminder for yourself to post it on Feb.29th .net as well. It is set to be the biggest blogging event of the year so don’t miss out on getting involved! You can only post on that day – 29th Feb though!

This link will close at midnight on 5th March. If you are completely confused by all this but would like to find out what it is all about, read ‘What is 100WCGU?’ which should make things a little clearer!


My Story

“She’s booked a table at that new place, Wednesday,” said Roger. He was smiling.
“And?” Bobby stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles. He wondered if the loafers had been a good idea. He had liked the tassles in the shop, but now they looked a bit naff. Maybe he should have got them in black. He could keep them for weekends; they’d be ok with chinos.
He looked up. Roger was watching him, one eyebrow raised.
“Ah come on! It’s leap year, right? Wednesday’s the 29th. She’s going to propose. You can be chief bridesmaid. Pink suits you.”

Thames Gulls

I had a tentative walk yesterday on my healing foot. Lots of rests, and I bus-hopped too. Boy, it was great to be out and about. By the Albert Embankment I watched and photographed gulls. I know not everyone likes them, but I do.

I am shortly going to run out of photo storage space on this blog. I do not know whether to pay for more, or if it would be better to switch to Flick’r.

If you have any advice or comments, lease share.

Website Boy Loses his Bits

I’m on tenterhooks, I really am. Last night I spoke to Cousin and she told me Westie Boy was not happy. He went to the vet on Friday and had his bits removed. That doesn’t seem to be bothering him much, but the vet put a lampshade collar on him and said he should wear it for ten days.
Ten days! Poor Westie Boy, or website boy as predictive text would have him. At least there’s a global concern for him. Cousin skyped her daughter in Australia and her son-in-law commented how miserable this happiest of dogs looked.
When Not Cat came home after the same operation I was advised he might need a similar collar. He had put up uncomplainingly with so much in the ten days I had had him, but the collar was a step too far. I abandoned the attempt, kept a close eye on him, and he was fine. http://wp.me/pMKim-wz
As Cousin says, surely there must be something less cumbersome the animal could wear that would do the same work.
Cousin is worried that if she does remove the lampshade and he starts to lick his wounds excessively, she won’t be able to put the collar back on. But it is stopping him from doing so much, even drinking is a problem. It is also inflicting injuries on her legs as he goes by her.
So maybe today, when they can keep him under their eyes, she’ll risk removing it. I shall wait for the news.


With his bits, and three-year-old friend.

A Wet Cold Afternoon in London

I’ve not been writing much here or on other blogs for a few days for a couple of reasons. Firstly, work seems to have gone into hyper mode since my little Irish break, and secondly because I have been experiencing excruciating shooting pains in my right arm.

I saw the doctor tonight. She reassured me that my foot is on the mend, and the hot feeling I am getting in it from time to time is nothing to worry about. As to my arm, the Ibuprofen I am taking for my foot should also help, and I should refrain from typing (!) as far as possible. Both conditions will sort themselves out in the fulness of time, especially with rest. Which means I am not going to be writing much here or anywhere else for a little while.

However, to celebrate the news that I am not about to have to face up to a life of immobility, a little post with words tonight.
I had a few minutes to kill in the City today. It was raining, but I wanted some air, so I sat under a tree in St Dunstan’s, ate an excellent sandwich from Cooper’s on Eastcheap and took a couple of pix before rain stopped play.

Notice the pigeons sheltering in the first pic.

I’m sure this morning’s forecast was for another mild day. It was damn cold. I left St Dunstan’s for St Margaret Pattens. City churches names tend to be double-barrelled as there are so many with the same dedication. Pattens were things people used to wear to lift them up from the filth and mire of the street. They were made nearby. There used to be a sign in the church asking members of the congregation to remove them before going in. I couldn’t see it, but they did have some pattens on display.

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