Garden Cat

I am sure MasterB’s file must have a sticker on it that denotes ‘anxious owner – expect ‘phone calls’.
Anyway, the vet, when I ‘phoned, (now I am wondering if they might place bets on how long it will be before I call with a question) said MasterB should be fine outside.She advised against covering his wound, said that it was fine for it to be oozing a bit as that meant it was healing, but if he was still limping on Monday I should bring him back.
So out we went.
MasterB had become relatively resigned to his incarceration, and at first did not follow me, but when I picked him up and placed him in the hall he hightailed it down the stairs. I wondered if he would guess an outing was in the offing when the collar went round his neck.
My plan was to chaperon him. I had a camera and some notes to read. I reckoned he would get tired quite quickly and want to come back in.
How wrong I was.

He had Things To Do. There was territory to mark; he rubbed his face against virtually every plant in the garden. There was news to collect; corners in particular were carefully sniffed, as was the garden furniture. There was the wall to watch; this is where his adversary enters and leaves the garden, and by MasterB’s demeanour, I’d say the fights and vets bills will continue.
It was after more than an hour that I insisted we come in. I was cold. I had taken as many photographs of the garden flowers as I could want or need. I had photographed MasterB repeatedly; sometimes even getting him in focus.
After less than five minutes inside and a couple of mouthfuls of his dinner, he was at the door, demanding egress.
I abandoned the chaperon role, let him into the garden, and made my dinner.
He’s still outside. I have the windows open, my water spray is charged and ready to use, and I am listening for any sounds of feline aggression. If there’s a fight, I am going to be on hand with reinforcements.

13 thoughts on “Garden Cat

  1. I would be very anxious too after an ordeal like it’s been for you, but at least he’s brave enough to go out, it would be worse if he was terrified wouldn’t it?.

  2. He is determined to resume his role as defender of the realm….you’ll hear something if in fact he has to do that I’m sure! He looks great in the photos – that leg is worrisome but he’s putting weight on it now anyway. Good luck…..hopefully he comes in for bed!


    • He was so pleased to be outside again. The whole incident has opened my eyes to how he is now the top cat in the garden, and so has to defend his territory or lose it.
      He did come in, but would have liked to go back out again.

    • As I didn’t hear the first fight, and it can’t have been silent, I am worried I might not hear a second. And a second there will be, either with last Sunday’s adversary, or another cat who thinks this would be a good spot to rule.

      • I know how scary that thought is. Charlie seems to be much like your MasterB. He wanted at first to be social, but when they hiss and carry on he goes for it. Trouble is he is so slight he always comes off the worst in any scrap. This makes me nervous anytime he is outside.

  3. He looks quite content out there in the garden. I hope his leg heals well and he enjoys a carefree spring and summer with no further injuries. Our cats are all “indoor” only cats so I don’t have to worry about attacks from other cats. It can be scary. I’ve seen one of the Feral cats I feed outside come with many a battle scar and he’s survived out there on his own for at least 6-7 years now.

  4. I hope there’s no more fighting, Isobel. It’s horribly upsetting when our cats get injured and traumatised.

    My two are terrified of a bruiser of an un-neutered ginger tom who comes round spoiling for a fight. He’s injured Leo (who’s a proper scaredy-cat) and made Fat Lily pathetically nervous of using the cat flap – in case Big Ginge is lying in wait.. 😦

    • So far so good. I should love to believe he has actually vanquished the other cat, but even if he has, I am sure there will be others.
      Maybe time to catch the intact Tom and get him neutered then find him a home. I take it he’s a stray?

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