Summer’s Evening

Our warm weather continues. The sky today was a glorious blue. Sitting outside a pub this evening I lloked up at the pub sign and took this picture.

Prince of Wales

Prince of Wales

The barman saw me and came to tell us a story about George IV. The light on the houses was beautiful, sun and shade.
Sun and Shade

Sun and Shade

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A Bit of a Pause

Having a brief sitdown before I head out to the theatre in half an hour. I have just downloaded yesterday’s pix. Today being grey and cold, Tuesday’s sunshine seems to belong to another planet.
Somehow, it is easier to be amused when the sun shines. Goodness only knows what these two were doing with their cardboard friend.

The Three of Us

The Three of Us

The Prudential building is full of fab details and certainly not a retiring sort of building. I did wonder about this huge pink number in the terracotta and rubbed brick environment though.


Just in case you aren’t familiar woith the Pru, here are a couple more photos.
Through the Arch

Through the Arch

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Of Dying Flowers, Cameras, Last Classes and Dead Cats

The amaryllis is on its last legs but still strangely beautiful, especially close up. I met one of my neighbours on the stairs this evening, and was surprised when she said three times how much she loved the amaryllis . Now I am wondering what to plant there for the summer. Your suggestions are welcome..
Here is my amaryllis, delicately transparent in its dying:

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Flowers in the Park

I have a very tired cat.
He didn’t want to come in this morning and so spent around seven hours outside. Part of this time was with Rosie. I didn’t see what happened, only the aftermath with MasterB, his tail arched and fluffed up, landing back on our side of the wall and Rosie sitting in his and Scally’s favourite spot. He’s fast asleep on my jumper now. Not a squeak out of him.
My own entertainments were more peaceful. I came home via the park. It’s not as bright as yesterday, but the flowers are still delightful.

It’s a Boy Thing

MasterB is outside. I can’t say I envy him. It is very very cold tonight. But I guess a boy has to do what a boy has to do, and running about in the cold seems a peculiarly boy activity. That said, I rather missed my running around with Westie Boy this morning. I’ve got lots of wobbly footage. In this bit, he isn’t playing with his indestructible ball, but seems to be enjoying some rather unfocused running about.

MasterB has been extremely vocal for most of the day. He started when I arrived at the cattery and just kept going. Some of his remarks from the pet carrier on the passenger seat beside me on the journey home sounded tantrumesque. But mainly he has kept a loud commentary on everything and anything, including some possibly very personal comments to a neighbour washing her window frames. Continue reading